Announcements 1.5.2025

                • Happy New Year! We are updating our electronic records at Elam. Today, you will receive a membership update form to complete. We are requesting details such as your address, email address, phone numbers, the year you joined Elam, and a section for any health information you feel is relevant in case of an emergency. We would like forms completed by all who attend! Pastor Randall wants to emphasize that all personal information you provide will remain confidential and will only be used in emergencies. Additionally, I’m creating a yearly calendar with your provided information, highlighting birthdays and important Elam events and dates for 2025. Expect the calendar to be in your hands by Sunday, January 26th. 2025 is an exciting year for Elam as we will be celebrating 215 years and our 5th Annual Harvest Festival.
                • There will be a Willing Workers meeting on 2nd Sunday immediately following service.
                • Just a reminder, parents of Youth- if there are any accomplishments or highlights that you would like for me to share with the congregation, please get those to me via email or text. We will be making these announcements each and every 3rd Sunday! It’s important that we continue to recognize our youth and recognize them often.
                • Just a reminder, as of today- we are no longer streaming on Facebook. If you know someone who typically watches on Facebook and needs assistance with YouTube, please let us know- we will be more than happy to assist with ensuring that they can view our services.
                • Chickahominy Area Triad will be implementing a “Neighborly Chat Program”. These are weekly or bi-weekly caring and empathetic calls from one of the Chickahominy Area Triads vetted and trained volunteers. If you are interested in receiving check-in/check-up calls, please reach out to (804)-557-5287 to be added to the list.
                • An Evening with “The Celebration Male Chorus” will be hosting a concert at Charles City High School on Sunday, January 12th at 3:30pm. The theme for this concert is “Anchored in the Lord” they are asking for a $5.00 donation to attend. The flyer has also been posted on the bulletin board!

                Thought for the week: New Year, New Goals, and new faith!  

            Have a wonderful week!

          • Morgan J. Crawley 
          • 804.512.8048